Hoppy birthday to Woo!

We don’t know which day it was, but sometime, some sweet day in this little window of time twelve years ago, my Rio was born.  She was a small miracle, although the family into which she was born didn’t see her in that light.  And I had no idea, on that day, just how much my life would change in just 7 or 8 short weeks.

The day I found Woo

And although she’s not here to celebrate her birthday, the resilience and stoicism that she faced her cancer with have remained.  She taught me about strength, about continually moving forward, about taking the cards that I’m dealt and making the most of them.  She taught me about unconditional devotion, love and loyalty, and how even when dealing with a sh!tty situation like cancer, there can be good that comes from it.  And the good stuff remains, long after the storm is over.

So, wherever you are today, take a moment and remember Rio.  I know I will, but then I do that every day….

Hoppy Birthday, my Rio