I still miss you, my girl.

It’s been two years, two months and 12 days, and I still can’t get over you.  Every inch of my life was colored with your presence and energy, and even though I’ve tried so hard to move on, I really haven’t.  I tried to fill the void with life — two puppies, cuz it was a really BIG void — and that just made me miss you more.  I see your picture every time I log into my computer, and its as large as life.  I think about you every day.  I miss your Woo-ness every day.  And it takes next to nothing and the tears still fall.  I never believed in the whole “one true love” thing  –the “one” you never get over.  Who knew that my soul mate would be a dog.Woo

4 thoughts on “I still miss you, my girl.

  1. It is good to hear from you. You were very active here when I first arrived in the forums back in Dec. 2011 fearful because my Daisy just lost her leg. You were such a great support to me during that time and I always appreciated that.
    I think of you and the Woo often.
    Marla and Daisy

  2. Rio, it’s sich an hor to get to “know you” through the wonderfully detailed blogs your mom jas posted and the GLORIOUS pictures!!

    Yes, your pictures are GLORIOUS!!

    I love seeing how hapy you are in your “royal carrige” being driven around like the Princess you are! And seeing yo and your Monkeybutt friends gettng into the garden…ADORABLE!!

    And the love between you two? Unbreakable! Nothing can break that kind of “soul connection”……not when you’re SOULMATES…and you are!!

    You always express your feelings so beautifuly…so spot on. Thank you for sharng your thoughts with us today. We can all relate…we all understand. Ane we are all here for you.

    Rio has known nothing but love her whole life. She took that love with her and left her love for you nestled snuggly in you heart. Put your hand on your heart right now…silently and from a very centered place…..feel your heartbeat. Rio is in every heartbeat…..that’s how soulmates roll!!


    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3. Rio, you are never far from our hearts, especially when your pretty photo appears in the Forums. Your ferocious cancer fight is one that we will always remember and share with people when they need hope.

    We know exactly how your Momma feels, you never really “get over” a loss so great. This kind of love stays with you for a lifetime. I’m glad to hear there’s two new puppies in the pack, what lucky dawgs.


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