Another chemo, another day…

Rio had her nearly last chemo this week (only two more left, YAY!!!), and so far, she’s doing pretty darn good.  She slept a lot today, but still had a good appetite and was pretty playful in between the naps.   Her tummy’s a little upset this evening (I need a gas mask), but I’m confident that she’ll be back to her self in a day or so. Over the last couple of weeks, she’s been making some definite strides in the right direction — she’s been seriously funny, crazy, wanting to play, lots of energy, lots of silly.  She seems to have more strength in her remaining rear leg and (pause for effect……..) she’s even started growing hair — truly!  She’s got tiny little whiskers along her back, and when she stands in the light, you can see the new growth.  Again, YAY!!!

Happiness is .... the Woo!

While we were visiting with the family last week in Oregon, my Mother In-Law kept saying “I feel so bad for her,” and “it’s just so sad.”  I kept reminding her, that although Rio’s maybe not looking her best these days, her overall well-being is definitely improving and I have the numbers to prove it.  I also have her high spirits and energy to show me that positive things are happening.  And I have HAIR!!!  Wooooohoooo, Woo!!!!

After Rio, with great enthusiasm, killed the squeaker in her 6 or 7th toy in less than 20 minutes (all of which belonged to our “dog-in-law” — which reminds me, I have to send a bunch of new squeakers to “Uncle” Jackson), I think the mother was finally beginning to believe me.  Rio was definitely working hard to dispel any concerns about her condition.

I know that my girl isn’t going to be around forever.  I know this in both my heart and in my head.  But for NOW she’s doing good, and we are enjoying the moments, minutes, hours, days — whatever we can squeeze out of this life.  She’s feeling good and life is grand.

We’ve got another ACTH stimulation test in a few weeks, to make sure we’re still on the right Trilostane dosage.   I thought for sure they would up her dose after the last one, but her numbers looked really good on a super low dose.  Good news, because the stuff’s not cheap!

So, the word of the day is OPTIMISTIC!  That’s how we’re feeling today (or is it tomorrow already?  yeesh!!!it’s late!  I need sleep!)

6 thoughts on “Another chemo, another day…

  1. YES! YES! YES! – keep enjoying each and every moment!! rio we are so proud of you and know you will continue to do your very best and will continue to kick cancer’s butt for a long time to come. we highly recommend up-ing your dosage of ‘medicinal naps’, that’s the key to quick recovery in our book!!!

    charon & gayle

  2. It feels really good knocking those chemo appointments out of the way doesn’t it. I am so glad she is doing well with them, and she is dispelling the rumors with your family 🙂 My mom told me today to cherish every moment and it sounds like you are an embodiment of that. Great job to you both!
    Elizabeth and Sammy

  3. Yes, optomistic is the word! We are sad because our sweet tripawds won’t be with us forever..but we are so happy in the moment and the next… and the next..I treasured every breath Indy took. I worked my whole world around him so I could spend as much time loving him…I have no regrets…I lived each day with him to its fullest enjoying the gift of his existance & his love…
    Enjoy Rio and give her a big hug!!
    Indy kisses and hugs from Indiana’s mom..Carol…

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